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3 Things That Make Ultra-Effective Fleet Managers

By February 22, 2013May 30th, 2022No Comments

Many business-critical tasks fall to the fleet manager’s laps. All aspects of the business are affected by fleet management, from accounting to advertising. Due to unexpected repairs, the need for additional vehicles, or poor route planning that results in excessive fuel expenses, fleets that are badly managed might end up costing the company significantly more than planned.

So, what should you do to be a super star fleet manager?

1. Set the standard for the performance of your drivers
Oxemon has found that rewarding drivers for performing a good job might work for some companies, but your drivers should always be held to a performance standard. Fuel efficiency or regular car checkups are examples of this. If all of your drivers improve their driving practices and keep their vehicles in good condition, it might result in significant savings for the entire fleet.

2. Listen to the drivers 
If you want to set realistic goals, you need to know how it feels to drive. If you’re a good communicator, you can open up a whole new world of experiences and ideas. You’ll be able to gain the most insight from the drivers in your fleet because they have firsthand knowledge of the industry. The drivers themselves can provide information on how to best optimize your fleet based on actual data rather than just your ideals.

3. Keep an eye out for patterns
We’re referring to the general state of the fleet when we talk about safety. Oxemon’s research reveals that for every $100 invested in prevention, you save $1000 in the long term that you would spend on repairs. To stay updated on your fleet, you’ll need up-to-date information. You must be able to analyze and classify your data in order to know how to improve it. When looking at the cost per mile, there are a number of variables to consider. It’s not enough to talk about safety; you also need to be able to see what’s going on. Start using software and improve your analytical abilities if you want to go beyond making decisions only on your feelings.

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